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Tal Goldstar (12 Hour) 20kg

R 199.90(incl. VAT)
Availability:Out of StockShipping Estimate:2-3 Working Days (In economic centers)

TAL GOLDSTAR 12 is a grey quick-setting high-strength cement-based adhesive for fixing porcelain, granite, dark-coloured marble and natural stone, ceramic, clay and terrazzo tiles to walls and floors. The adhesive was designed for easy use, allowing a 4 hour pot life.

TAL GOLDSTAR 12 should not be used with white or light-coloured porous natural stone tiles, where a grey adhesive may show through the tile in the form of ?staining?.

Application thickness: up to 12mm; max 20mm in isolated areas only
Sets after: 12 hours
Pack size: 20kg

Weight20 kg
Dimensions10 cm (L) x 29 cm (W) x 46 cm (H)

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