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Tal Flex 1kg

R 149.90(incl. VAT)
Availability:In StockShipping Estimate:2-3 Working Days (In economic centers)

TAL FLEX is a thin-bed polymer-based paste adhesive for fixing lightweight tiles to flexible surfaces, such as partition walling. TAL FLEX has immediate tile-grip characteristics, thus minimising the possibility of tileslump. As TAL FLEX gives immediate grip, it is ideal for fixing lightweight tiles in upside-down tiling situations such as window and doorway arches. TAL FLEX should not be used in extreme wet conditions,or on floors.

Application thickness: up to 4mm
Sets after: 24 ? 48 hours
Pack size: 1kg

Weight1 kg
Dimensions5 cm (L) x 14 cm (W) x 24 cm (H)

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