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HG Railset Vernis Blend 65cm

R 939.00(incl. VAT)
Availability:In StockShipping Estimate:2-3 Working Days (In economic centers)

Article features

  • Consists of: hand shower, shower bar, shower hose, slider
  • Shower head size: 100 mm
  • Spray type: Rain, IntenseRain
  • Spray type adjustment by turning spray disc
  • Hand shower holder inclination angle can be adjusted by 45°
  • Maximum flow rate at 3 bar: 15,2 l/min
  • Minimum flow pressure: 1 bar
  • Operating pressure: min. 1 bar/max. 6 bar
  • Shower hose with conical nut on both ends
  • Wall mounting: screw fastening
  • Wall supports made of plastic
  • Pipe length: 669 mm
  • Shower bar diameter: 22 mm
  • Profile pipe: round
  • Drilling distance 625 mm
Weightnull kg
Specification Link26275000.pdf

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