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HG Prep Kit 560x510 Graphite Inc Waste 43312170

R 4,999.00R 3,990.00(incl. VAT)
Availability:In StockShipping Estimate:2-3 Working Days (In economic centers)
  • cut-out dimensions: 540 x 490 mm
  • material: SilicaTec
  • number of bowls: 1 main bowl
  • tap hole for drilling is predefined (see scale drawing)
  • sink depth: 190 mm
  • cabinet size: 60 cm
  • type of installation: top mount
  • position overflow: on the right side of the bowl
  • waste set not included – please order one waste set from the required parts
Colours:Black, Grey
Weightnull kg
Dimensions56 cm (L) x 51 cm (W)
ColourBlack, Grey
Specification Link43312170_hansgrohe_product_specification_2020-10-31.pdf

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