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Grohe Trigger Spray Tempesta Set

R 619.00(incl. VAT)
Availability:In StockShipping Estimate:2-3 Working Days (In economic centers)

Add ultimate functionality to your perfect home bathroom by fitting a New Tempesta-F Trigger Spray 30 wall holder set. The spray offers accurate, powerful cleaning for extra convenience and hygiene, with the trigger giving precise control and the TwistFree hose ensuring you don’t get in a tangle.

Consisting of:  

  • Hand shower with trigger control (27 512 001)    
  • Wall shower holder (28 605)  
  • Silverflex Longlife shower hose 1250 mm (26 335)  
  • GROHE StarLight chrome finish  
  • SpeedClean anti-limescale system  
  • Inner WaterGuide for a longer life
  • Twistfree preventing the hose from twisting
  • Min. recommended pressure 1 bar 
Weightnull kg
Specification LinkProduct-Datasheet-1.pdf

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