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Dado Dominus Bath 1500 Gloss White

R 12,990.00(incl. VAT)
Availability:In StockShipping Estimate:2-3 Working Days (In economic centers)

Size (l) x (w) x (h): 1500mm x 720mm x 475mm
Waste to floor: 146mm
Water capacity: 195L
Overflow: No overflow
Material: DADOquartz®
Colour: White
Finish: Polished
Base dimensions: 1350mm x 550mm
Rim width: 10mm
Weight: 57kg
Waste diameter: 50mm
Packing dimensions (stacked): 1820mm x 910mm x 690mm
Shipping mass (stacked): 98kg
Warranty: Lifetime


Weight98 kg
Dimensions182 cm (L) x 91 cm (W) x 69 cm (H)
Specification LinkDADOquartz-Dominus-bath-spec-sheet.pdf

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