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Basin Selnova 36cm Square

R 769.00(incl. VAT)
Availability:In StockShipping Estimate:2-3 Working Days (In economic centers)

The washbasins from the Geberit Selnova have an evenly rounded basic form. The inspiration behind this is provided by basin radii with an organic, natural shape. The design language of Geberit Selnova is characterised by a naturally soft geometry with gentle curves.

The softly curving inner basin and a slim basin edge segue into a large tap hole bench that serves as a storage space. The range of ceramic appliances is rounded off by built-in and under-countertop washbasins.

Weight11 kg
Dimensions36 cm (L) x 36 cm (W)
Specification LinkProductDataSheet_PRO_335181.pdf

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