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Basin Flavio CT Circlet Black 380mm

R 1,490.00(incl. VAT)
Availability:In StockShipping Estimate:2-3 Working Days (In economic centers)

With its mesmerizing circular design and glossy white/black finish, the Circlet Above Counter basin gives your bathroom a relaxed, spa-like feel.

Made from hard-wearing ceramic with a glossy white finish, the hand basin gives off a bright, radiant look that helps your bathroom or washroom to feel light and spacious. In an above the counter style, it is ideal for those wanting a refined, versatile style that still draws the eye.

If you want a hand basin that will fit in effortlessly with a range of bathroom decors, while still offering a modern point of difference, this may be sink for you.

Dimensions: 346x346mm

Weight11 kg
Dimensions38 cm (L) x 38 cm (W) x 12 cm (H)

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