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Aflo Shower Head Brs 250mm Square Old Brass

R 1,590.00(incl. VAT)
Availability:In StockShipping Estimate:2-3 Working Days (In economic centers)

Come home to a wonderful showering experience under this stylish square shower head. Let the water drops fall delicately from the solid brass shower head and with a WELS approved no star rating you can be assured you are doing your bit to save water. The durable brass construction backed with old brass finish adds lustre to any dull and fading bathroom.

Polished Chrome Plated Brass.
250mm x 250mm x 8mm. (Square)
Adjustable Swivel Ball Joint.
Wels Approved
Wels Reg # S10467
Wels 3 Star 9L/Min

Colours:Old Brass
Weightnull kg
ColourOld Brass

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