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Wall Panel Vertex Ancient Wood (OD) 205x2900mm

R 789.00(incl. VAT)
Availability:In StockShipping Estimate:2-3 Working Days (In economic centers)

Vertex Outdoor Paneling

Our Vertex Outdoor Paneling adds character and architectural supremacy to outdoor spaces. This range is ideal for outdoor landscape finishing, apartment buildings, houses, outdoor entertainment, and pool areas producing a breathtaking and finished exterior for any area.

Wall Panel Dimensions:

  • Standard Length: 2900mm
  • Profile Width: 205mm
  • Profile Height: 26mm
  • Panels /m²: 1.68
  • Coverage /m: 4.88
  • Mass /m: 2.86kg

Edging Strip Dimensions:

  • Standard Length: 2900mm
  • Profile Width: 60mm
  • Profile Height: 40mm

Product Composition:

  • Wood Flour: 60%
  • Recycled PE: 30%
  • Additives (Colourants, Anti-oxidants, Anti-Ultraviolet Agent, Lubricants, etc.): 10%
Weight2.86 kg
Dimensions290 cm (L) x 20.5 cm (W) x 2.6 cm (H)
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